Shunt creation using the puncture trocar and pharynx protector after Hilgers

The pharynx protector after Hilgers consists of the grip (1) and a protector sleeve (2).

The protector sleeve can be inserted on the left or right of the grip, depending on how the pharynx protector is used.

The puncture trocar after Hilgers consists of a pointed arched trocar (3) for the puncture and an outer tube that fits around it exactly (4), both attached to a grip (5). 

The trocar for the puncture is inserted in the tube so the grips are horizontal and parallel (6).

The shunt creation with the puncture trocar and the pharynx protector after Hilgers is demonstrated in the following on a surgical model (no laboratory animals involved)

Note: A sterile Provox 2 prosthesis is now also used for the primary insertion. The Provox 1 prosthesis, which was originally intended for that purpose, will shortly be withdrawn from the market